SAMR to Revise the Declaration Form for Anti-monopoly Review of Summary Cases of Concentrations of Undertakings
Mon May 06 16:14:00 CST 2024 Published by:Editor

On April 9, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) released the revised Declaration Form for Anti-monopoly Review of Summary Cases of Concentrations of Undertakings (Revision) and the Disclosure Form for Summary Cases of Concentrations of Undertakings (Revision), and also drafted a consultation paper to seek public comments by April 22, 2024.

According to the consultation paper, this revision aims to better utilize the system for summary cases of concentrations of undertakings, facilitate declarations by business entities, and reduce declaration costs. The Declaration Form for Anti-monopoly Review of Summary Cases of Concentrations of Undertakings in the consultation paper covers 14 items, including the name of transaction, nature of transaction, declaration basis, reasons for applying for summary review procedure, undertakings involved in the concentration, other undertakings in the transaction, an overview of the concentration transaction, impact on competition in the relevant market, and a commitment letter. Additionally, explanatory notes on filling out the form are provided in footnotes. 

(Source: State Administration for Market Regulation)

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