Watson & Band has assembled an impressive team of capable, well-educated lawyers, IP agents, engineers, professors, sicentific researchers and senior advisors who possess a variety of local and international experience and proficiency in languages such as English, Japanese, German, Korean and Russian. By working together and pooling these talents, we are able to deliver the high-quality and efficient services that have won us praise. Each member has a unique background and set of experiences that he or she can draw from to better assist our clients. To learn more about a lawyer, please select a practice area or a name from the list below.
Dawei Huang
Business:Intellectual Property,Corporate and Commercial,Data-related Legal and Intellectual Property Services
Languages :Chinese,English

Mr. Huang, a partner at Watson & Band Law Offices in Shanghai, has been a practicing attorney since qualifying in 2005 He graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law with a bachelor's degree in Economic Law. His professional focus includes company law, contract law, real estate, and intellectual property rights.

Mr. Huang is adept at providing both litigation and non-litigation services to enterprises, earning a reputation for his comprehensive and professionally executed legal support. He has been retained as legal counsel by numerous enterprises, trusted for his thorough and effective approach to legal challenges.

In the realm of corporate and commercial law, Mr. Huang has represented many renowned enterprises in significant legal matters such as mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, and liquidation. Additionally, he has represented clients in a wide array of civil, commercial and economic litigation cases. He is particularly skilled in litigation involving commercial disputes and real estate, known for his strategic approach which has often resulted in the avoidance or recovery of significant economic losses for his clients. This effectiveness in critical legal scenarios has earned him favorable commendations from his clients.

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