Watson & Band has assembled an impressive team of capable, well-educated lawyers, IP agents, engineers, professors, sicentific researchers and senior advisors who possess a variety of local and international experience and proficiency in languages such as English, Japanese, German, Korean and Russian. By working together and pooling these talents, we are able to deliver the high-quality and efficient services that have won us praise. Each member has a unique background and set of experiences that he or she can draw from to better assist our clients. To learn more about a lawyer, please select a practice area or a name from the list below.
Yan Chen
Business:Intellectual Property,Corporate and Commercial,Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Languages :Chinese,English

Mr. Yan Chen is an accomplished attorney-at-law with over a decade of experience in corporate legal strategy, risk management, and dispute resolution.

Having graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law with a Bachelor's degree in international law, Mr. Chen has since earned professional qualifications as a senior professional manager and AMAC practitioner. These credentials underscore his commitment to excellence in both legal practice and business management.

Throughout his career, Mr. Chen has served as a legal and strategic director for large group companies, where he has honed his skills in comprehensive risk management, compliance management, and strategic development. His experience spans both in-house and advisory roles, providing him with a well-rounded perspective on the legal challenges facing businesses today.  

Mr. Chen's areas of expertise include:

  • Corporate and Commercial Law: He excels in designing and implementing comprehensive risk management systems that align with overall business objectives.

  • Intellectual Property: While leveraging his broad legal knowledge, Mr. Chen applies strategic thinking to protect and maximize the value of clients' intellectual assets.

  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Drawing on his experience in risk management and compliance, he focuses on preventative strategies while also representing clients effectively when disputes arise.

  • Compliance and Risk Management: Mr. Chen specializes in both external and internal compliance management, developing robust risk control processes and optimizing operational structures.

  • Strategic Advisory: As a strategic director, he provides one-stop value protection and value creation solutions, balancing legal considerations with business objectives to drive sustainable growth.

Mr. Chen's approach to legal services is characterized by his ability to provide perennial legal consultation and special legal services to multiple companies. This has given him deep insights into corporate external and internal compliance management, risk control processes, and operation and management structures.

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